Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 9: Little Lovey Dovey

E has been quite verbal in her affections for her us lately. She frequently looks at us with a sweet smile, tilts her head to one side, and says in a very high voice, "Mommy, I LOVE you. I really, really, really LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU!" She then proceeds to hug and kiss me profusely. Same to the rest of the family. "Daddy, I LOVE YOU. I love Cara. I love Jesus! Cara loves Jesus!" When all combinations of everyone loving everyone else and Jesus are exhausted, she then continues to gaze lovingly at us. "I love it when you're here! I love our family! You are the mommy I've always wanted. I love you just the way you are!"

It can be a little suffocating at times, but it is the sweetest thing and I'll take it over her behavior half a year ago or a year ago any day. 3 1/2 is a pretty magical age sometimes. Lately, she actually listens to me when I ask her to get changed or go to bed, and though it takes awhile sometimes, she is mostly delightful and it seems that tantrums are a thing of the past for the most part. I think it's empowering for her to be able to verbalize her feelings so well, and to know that she is absolutely overflowing with love is pretty amazing.


Unknown said...

Sweet E

orangela said...

I would like to fast forward two years, please! We seem to be entering terrible twos early, and it's frustrating for AJ because he can't talk enough yet to be understood when he's upset.