Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 17: Airport Entry

Blogging from the Newark airport, where I’ve had a 2 hour layover on my way to Buffalo. It is cold and bleak here on the East Coast. I haven’t even left the airport and I can feel it. When I left LA this morning, it was almost 80 degrees at 10am. What a stark change in scenery. I’m very glad that this festival wasn’t scheduled for last weekend, when it was below 10 degrees and they got another foot of snow. I really hate snow. SoCal has spoiled me silly.

I found a quiet place near my gate and took out my guitar to run through my program. The folks around were mostly people that worked at the airport, and most of them smiled at me as I played.  A few made it a point to come up to me and say, “You play good,” or “That sounds great!”

When I started playing, I was thinking about how the life of a traveling musician is way less than glamorous sometimes. Bad food, waiting in airports, missing my family. Then as I started playing, it just felt like home, and I had one of those moments where I just felt joy in knowing that I love playing the guitar and was reminded that it is a privilege to share it with others. I hope I lifted the spirits of at least one of those airport workers, and that their day was a little less hard because they heard some guitar being played in a quiet corner of the airport.

Looking forward to getting there and get some rest tonight – all I did on the first flight was watch two movies (a rare treat) and I’m still exhausted!

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