Friday, April 4, 2014

Sweet relief, just for a day.

I knew it. I knew there was hope! C slept all the way through the night, 7pm to 6am. E slept pretty well too, though it took her almost until 9:30pm to fall asleep. She must have napped well at school. All I can say is THANK YOU LORD.

End Day 14.


Alice said...

I have to say, your blog posts make me so discouraged and encouraged, depressed and happy all at the same time. I guess that's a pretty accurate representation of motherhood. And I can't imagine having two- let alone two that close together in age. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is such a short stage in my baby's life and that I need to enjoy his tininess and health before he grows up and away from me.

Anyways, you're doing awesome, mama! =) I'm glad that they both decided to sleep. Thank God for His mercies. And speaking of those, I could use some increased-sleep-mercies as well. ;)

connie said...

Alice, we need to catch up soon! I want to hear how it's been back at work and all that. Thanks for reading :)

Alice said...

I'm back at school right now- getting a masters degree right now. I go back to real work (as in, residency) at the end of June, and I can't tell you how awful that idea makes me feel...

And thanks for writing. =)