Friday, March 28, 2014

The World's Longest Day

Today must have been the world's longest day. Baby was up at 5:30am, right before hubby left for the train. She took short naps today too, three naps about an hour each (that's short for her!). Toddler was tired by noon but would not nap even when we were in the car for 20-30 minutes. She insisted on listening to Magic Flute arias instead and critiqued each performance by saying, "She's a good singer" or "I no like this one."

Funny how slowly time goes by when you're watching kids on your own and you have no set plans for the day. It crawls by. At 10:15am, I thought, surely it must be lunch time. I'd better cook something. And by 4:30, we were eating dinner already - a TJ's frozen pizza which E rejected. (What kind of toddler rejects pizza? Picky food phase is making me crazy.)

Hubby's train will not get into nearly 10 tonight. The one day he was home this week, our cleaner was here and so were the kids, making the home office nearly impossible to work from. We need to move, but where? I am not done here in LA. E starts preschool next week. We love it here. We are not done.

So today, we went for a walk, with C in the Ergo and E running along beside me. I told them about the very first prayer walk we ever took down our street. It was right after we put an application down for our house. We prayed for the neighborhood and prayed that this would be our home, and God answered. So today we took the same walk and prayed again - Lord, guide us to where you want us to live. Please.

The world's longest day may actually bear some fruit. End Day 7.

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