Monday, July 14, 2008


Well, here we go. I had an awesome weekend in the Bay Area and a great turnout at two CD release concerts, and finally it is available for purchase online!

Click here to sample the CD and order your copy. Or 2. Or 3. Well, you can buy up to 10 at a time. Who's to say when you might need some extras?

It was amazing to see my whole family pitching in to make this thing happen- my parents organizing the reception, greeting people, printing programs for me, taking millions of pictures, coming back to sneak me a hug during intermission; the five of us praying together through tears before the concert started and feeling God work through us as a family. My siblings being there with their amazing skills and putting their time and energy into making beautiful music together. I'm overwhelmed with how supportive and enthusiastic my family has been, and I know that they are the only reason this has all come to fruition. And of course, my dear husband manning the donation table and charming people into buying more CDs!

The high point of my weekend may have been my dad saying to me in a very serious tone of voice, "Connie, you need a manager." Well, shoot. I'll take that over, "Connie, you should go to law school" any day. Finally, they get it!

Thanks so much to all the friends who have already been pouring out their support to me. It really means so much. My cup overflows.

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