Monday, March 21, 2016

Bedtime Chatter

Last night the girls went to bed in great moods - a very rare thing indeed. We heard them singing and laughing after the lights were out, and heard the type of chatter and giggling that only comes out of sisters' rooms. We turned on the monitor to see what they were talking about.

E was singing "Jesus Loves Me" with all the correct lyrics, and C was trying to follow along. They went through "Peace Like a River" and the "Sheep Song," which I am guessing they had sung in Sunday School that morning, and for a moment I reveled in the Lord's shepherding of my children. I even heard E say a little prayer, something that she has never done before in front of me, which was something like, "Dear God, Thank you for the playground. Please keep us safe and warm. In Jesus name, Amen!" C echoed an amen to that one.

Then I heard this:
E: I'm going to be God, ok? You can be Jesus.
C: Ok. I'm Jesus.

Oh my. The doctrine went wrong somewhere...

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