Thursday, February 11, 2016

This girl.

 This girl.
This girl has me so exhausted. It is barely past 8:30 and although I was going to do a home workout, I really just want to crawl into bed and pretend this day full of tantrums did not happen. Really nothing out of the ordinary for a 2.5 year old who is still getting molars and recovering from yet another cold. It's just, well, does everything have to be such a battle? Today I got tears, screaming, and feet stomping over:
1. Which color cup I put her milk in.
2. Which socks she chose. (Gray hearts, not pink.)
3. Me helping her put on one of her shoes. We had to take it off and let her put it back on. Took about 14 minutes.
4. There was a speck of cheese on her meat at lunch.
5. Not wanting to drive past the park without stopping. I caved. And then,
6. Not wanting to leave the park once we got there.
7. Not wanting to get in her car seat.
8. Being offered a meatball. She didn't want it, so I ate it.
9. Wanting a meatball. Whoops, I ate it.
10. Not wanting to go to bath.
11. Not wanting to go to sleep. Still happening.


Caryn said...

Hi! Glad you're back!! I hope you got to drink a glass of wine after she went to sleep. xoxo

connie said...

uh yes! had my glass and then some. thanks for reading!!