Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 37: Easter Traditions (or lack thereof)

Having kids, I give all the holidays a little more thought. What do I want them to remember about this holiday when they grow up? What is meaningful about it? What will excite them and make the days and months of an otherwise monotonous calendar year go by with a little more fun?

Easter is always a confusing one for me. I did not grow up with Easter hams and baskets full of candy. I maybe got a chocolate bunny from time to time, but I feel like my sister ate most of them. We dyed eggs once in awhile, but my kids don't yet have the motor skills for that yet. Everywhere I look, there are bunnies and eggs and all this stuff that I feel very little connection to other than the fact that most of it is cute. I told E that this Sunday is Easter Sunday.

She asked, "And what do we do?"
"Well," I said, "We celebrate that Jesus is alive."
She thought really hard about it and then asked, "Do I get a balloon?"

Last year at church, they had balloons for all the kids. She was so excited to get a purple one, her favorite color, but she let go of it by accident while we were walking to the car, and it flew away. I remember that she looked down at her feet to find it. Paul and I chuckled about that, but then she burst into tears like a long-lost relative had died.

Here are the girls on Easter last year - it feels like eons ago. Maybe we'll try to create a new Easter tradition this year.