Friday, May 30, 2014

Another plague.

And just when our household couldn't take anything else, another virus comes our way. This time? Hand, foot, mouth disease. Sounds terrible, doesn't it? I picture limbs falling off and other kinds of horrific imagery. E kept complaining about her tongue hurting last week, and wouldn't eat very much. Then I noticed a mild fever and the tongue complaint got worse. When I asked her to stick out her tongue, I noticed 2 or 3 white sores and immediately thought it might be HFM. The funny thing is that the next day she seemed completely better, and was eating and back to her normal happy self. A mild fever seemed to come and go, but really the victim in all of this has been....ME.

With about a dozen sores in my mouth, I spent about three days not being able to talk or eat much at all. I had hubby fetching me green smoothies to get some sort of nutrition in my system, but did not feel guilty at all on the day that I basically had a milkshake for dinner. I guess when adults get this bug, it is way worse than the way kids get it, maybe like the chicken pox in that way. I stepped on the scale the other day to discover that I had lost 8 pounds even despite the milkshake dinner. The pain was really severe - I would often tear up while attempting to brush my teeth, and felt pretty despondent after several meals that I could not really eat at all. It was the first illness that I've even remotely compared to the worst pain in my life (childbirth, of course!)

Now we are all better, and headed on our only vacation for the year - a trip to Seattle to see our dear nephew Baby N, who will no longer be a baby after this birthday! Wow, what a milestone!

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