Sunday, June 14, 2009

And I'm off!

The past month has been quite an exercise in discipline, obedience, and perseverance, and it's been fun to share about the progress I've made as a result of preparing for this competition. Yesterday, as I was running my program for the umpteenth time, I had a moment after I played a piece and said to myself, "Wow. That was fun!"

To be able to play something difficult without the burden of difficulty is one of the most joyous things I've ever experienced as a guitarist. I imagine it feels like being on the course of a marathon and not feeling fatigued, skipping and jumping to the finish line.

God continues to affirm me through this process. This morning, our pastor talked about David, a harpist whose skill, heart, and character led him to play music with healing power and be called "a man after God's own heart." I was reminded that with this investment in my skill, God will continue to open doors in my career, and that he is satisfied with me right here and right now, before I have even set foot onto the competition stage.

"Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men." -Proverbs 22:29


Unknown said...

go rock out, cons! and enjoy yourself! so proud and excited for you, chica :)

Unknown said...

whoo-hoo! that's awesome you're taking this challenge on...look forward to hearing about it ;-)